Getting Centered in 2017
This is a Guru’s favorite time of year. This is the time of year when you can truly set yourself up for success…no matter what you do. It is as easy as coming up with one word that describes the kind of life you want to have for the New Year. Last year, I chose the word LOVE and it happened! I fell madly in love and have never been happier. The year before that the word was a little more complicated: equanimity. Keeping a perfect balance everyday was sure a challenge, but choosing a word instead of a big broad statement seems to keep me more focused. One word is easier to wrap my head around.
So, during this New Year I have come up with a plan to be a little kinder to myself. I always want to take the hardest yoga class, run as fast as I can, drink BIG, BOLD red wines, travel constantly while also trying to please all my friends, clients and family. So how do I put that into one word? I guess BALANCE sums it up. Staying balanced in this crazy world of marketing is extremely difficult, not to mention I will also be planning a wedding…whew what a difference a year makes.
This New Year, my plan is going to be to take five easy steps on a daily basis to stay focused and strong throughout the year. How to get started?
Exercise Daily:
No matter what you do, break a sweat everyday even if that means parking in the furthest parking spot in the mall and walking to the stores you want to visit. You can always break a sweat shopping. Exercise is also good to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Plus, it can help you fall asleep faster. We all know that sleep deprivation affects everything we do in our day.
Stretch It BABY:
Meditation and stretching are a must in my daily life. Being a business owner it is so important to have an open, flexible mind, as well as a stretched out hamstring. Quiet your mind with simple breathing and movements to get the mind ready for the day. Try stretching: open your fingers, roll your shoulders and feel the stress fall away.
Eat Right Don’t Diet:
So often I see friends and family say they eat healthy as they gobble down a Subway sandwich and diet Coke. That is not “real” food; it is amazing that so many Americans call this a meal. To stay on track for 2017 I plan to step away from the Frappuccino and limit sugar and salt. Without a doubt there will be no processed meats or cheeses in my fridge. Caffeine has always been my answer to being tired, but as we know this goes away and we all feel so much worse after we dive into a grande soy latte. This year I am going to keep fruits and vegetables in my office refrigerator along with whole grain, sprouted snacks that assist with digestion.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep:
Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleeping resets and recharges me and without it, I don’t do well with any of the items mentioned above. Without the proper amount of sleep it is impossible to recover from the stresses of the day before and be ready to deal with a healthy tomorrow. Again, reaching into your daily yoga practice always seems to help. If I feel extremely anxious, my meditation practice is the first thing I drop into; to sit in silence and breathe makes all the difference. I have several mantras that I chant to myself while in meditation. Last year’s was, “I am worthy of giving and receiving true love” and you see what that got me…true love. The intention you put out is what you will get back. So sit back, breathe and say something nice to yourself.
Try Aromatherapy:
I know that essential oils are all the rage these days, but they work! Next time you’re feeling the heat, take a huge deep breath and give aromatherapy a try. If you are looking for your first scents that soothe—my favorites are lavender and lemongrass. Both of these have science behind them that indicate calming effects and tension relief.
It was a long year Gurus…2016 had so many great highs and some very tense moments, but overall we got through these crazy times. I hope these ideas help you as much as they have helped me.
Shop for whole foods, get some rest, stretch your mind and body and keep on breathing.
Namaste Gurus!