Help the IGA Stay Alive
I don’t know about you, but I have never been a grocery app person. It is April 28, well into this virus outbreak, and I have not been able to bring myself to download a grocery app. I am a huge DoorDash fan and love having my prepared food delivered. I am also becoming a fan of curbside. But I am resisting having groceries and pharmacy delivered. I need to smell the fruits and vegetables, and to feel like I am a part of dinner buying decisions.
Masks have changed the supermarket experience. I have learned to shop with a couture, silk mask. It is so amazing how strong the smells are through a covered nose and mouth. It is funny how many people I have seen at the store that I know, and they walk by me as if I don’t exist. I kind of like it. I can stay focused and remain invisible.
“ Walmart is now the #1 app in America surpassing Amazon by 20%. ”
According to Scholarly, the grocers’ online research group, consumers are spending over six hours per day on apps, with grocery apps taking center stage. Walmart is now the #1 app in America surpassing Amazon by 20%. Walmart grew 460% in an average daily download compared to a year ago. Amazon, meanwhile, saw only 20% growth in daily downloads over the same period.
Most of our independent grocery stores are not able to keep up with this technology. They are suffering through this pandemic. Some of our favorite merchants may not be able to make it through this transition. Many don’t have the resources to produce an app and compete with the larger grocery store chains.
When making decisions to buy my groceries, I try to remember it’s the store next-door that needs me most. If I can reach out for a few small items, it is better than nothing. I have also been trying to purchase sandwiches from the local grocer. Further, it is also a good place for fine wines, appetizers and assorted fresh cheeses. We all need to support the Independent Grocery Association, IGA, in order to get them through this tough time.
Remembering to shop small now will help local businesses recover big after this is over. I love my local retailers and grocery stores. I miss them. Let’s all pull together and shop small to strengthen our local communities.
COVID-19 Drive Walmart Grocery Mobile App Download Surge
Source: Scholarly